Packout & Fulfillment

We’ll Pack Out Your Products With Our Displays and Handle Shipping Directly To Your Retailer!

Your New Home for Packout and Fulfillment

Upon receiving the products directly from the vendors, we pack it out with our displays. When packout is finished, the display is shipped to the retailer. This frees up your time and space regarding the shipment.

Our Facility

Lcated in Santa Fe Springs, CA.


Quick Turnover

Setup for mass production on 3 packing areas on the main line

Capable of producing up to 250 pallet displays in one 8-hr shift

Secure storage of transient valuable product

We Offer

Cold seal blister packs (no tooling required)

3 pallet-level packouts can be run at the same time (additional hand labor can be added)

Our Variety of Packout Options




Pallet Displays

Pick, Pack, and Pull

POP Displays

Product Fulfillment


Custom Packaging Options

The Bottom Line

Our fulfillment process allows us to increase our efficiency while keeping labor costs down. Reducing risks on our end allows you to keep on task with your own productivity.